Happy New Year Bob
There are important people in this world. Friends and family for whom my life without would be hollow, there are folks who do what I cannot, there are athletes and entertainers, teachers and mechanics and those who simply hold my heart.
Without Bob, and those like him all over the world, every single one of us would be have a life less fulfilled. He grows our food and cares for the earth. He and his lovely wife are farmers who tend their land sustainably. His son is now back home from college and will help with the work. Taking over the family farm is as endangered as the family farm itself and it is good to know Sam will keep going years into the future.
I rarely take pictures of subjects that wish not to be photographed but Bob is cantankerous and has uttered a few words of endearing discontent in my direction in the past so I felt justified in leveling my unwanted lens on him. I pinched off a few images while he sat at the piano before he moved quickly to safety out of the room. But really, I admire him and wanted to make something I could send back to Warner, NH.
Thanks Bob and thanks to all the family farmers, who against all odds keep growing healthy nutritious produce in a fast food world. Happy New Year and much prosperity.