Forest Trends Staff Retreat at NCTC

I was hired by Forest Trends to photograph individuals and the entire group at the beautiful National Conservation Training Center in Shepardstown, WV earlier this week. 
There was great natural light near their conference area for the individual shots but considering the blustery temperatures outside, we were left to do the large group shot inside. I photographed the group of 40 in the large common room from a balcony and used two studio strobes bounced off the walls to light the room which had limited natural and ambient light. 

My contact, Deborah McKay, and the entire staff was warm and easy to work with, making the day both fun and productive.  I was able to turn around the post-production editing in under 24 hours leaving the client happy with both the product and the quickness in which they could use the images.  

It was also a beautiful day to take a drive through the countryside.

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