The Infectious Diseases Society of America

Now that is an eye grabber on a name!  I was hired last week by IDSA to take a few shots of FDA Commissioner Dr. Peggy Hamburg as well as a group shot of the board and a headshot of the president.  Needless to say, the folks in this room paid attention in school. 

Dr. Peggy Hamburg - FDA Commissioner

My contact at IDSA was a pleasure to work with and even after a very long day, the entire staff was warm and cordial.  The lighting in the basement of the hotel was not so helpful, shooting without a strobe in the meeting room had me wide open at f2.8 with an ISO of 3200.  It is amazing that today's digital machines can produce a usable image in that environment.  For the portraits, I was able to use off camera lighting but we only had about 10 minutes to take a group shot and a couple of portraits.

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